Způsobové sloveso can - can't

Způsobové sloveso can - can't: cvičení 2

Doplňte věty tak, aby měly stejný význam. Užijte modální sloveso can nebo cannot (can't).

Příklad:Let's do it for them.
We ___ it for them.
We can do it for them.


Don't park your car here. It is illegal.
You your car here.

Why don't you stay with us?
You with us.

Let's take a taxi.
We a taxi.

Listen. There's someone speaking in the hall.
I some voices in the hall.

The doctor said: 'No sweeets.'
I sweets.

What about buying it on Sunday?
We it on Sunday.

Don't carry all the luggage on your own.
You all the luggage on your own.

You are not ill. Why don't you go to work?
You to work. You are not ill.

This is not his phone number. I'm sure.
This his phone number.

I am not a very good swimmer.
I very well.


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