Can, may, must

Modální slovesa can, may, must – cvičení 2 (doplňovací)

Vyjádřete následující věty jinak. Užijte modální slovesa can, may, must.

Příklad:Read this book!
You must read this book.


Maybe she will return tonight.
She return tonight.

Marion is a very good cook.
Marion cook very well.

Stand up!
You stand up!

I'm sure they will finish it in a minute.
They finish it in a minute.

I have a question for you.
I ask you a question?

Please, do it for me.
you do it for me?

I'd like to see your children.
I see your children?

I am good at football.
I play football.

Do your homework.
You do your homework.

Let's take a taxi.
We take taxi.

Perhaps John is angry.
John be angry.

They will certainly come back before midnight.
They come back before midnight.


Anglická gramatika s přehledy pro samouky je ke stažení zdarma v pdf na Anglická gramatika PDF.

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