Nedefinující vztažné věty

Nedefinující vztažné věty - cvičení 2 (who, which, whose)

Doplňte nedefinující (nerestriktivní) vztažné věty zájmeny who, which nebo whose a správnou interpunkcí.

Příklad:My girlfriend is 22. She comes from Madrid.
My girlfriend, who is 22, comes from Madrid.


Her purse has been stolen. It was full of money.
Her purse has been stolen.

My mother is at hospital. She is seriously ill.
My mother is seriously ill.

My sister gave the present to her boyfriend. He was really pleased.
My sister gave the present to her boyfriend really pleased.

Our house is pretty old. It has three bedrooms.
Our house has three bedrooms.

My wife was unemployed. She has a new job.
My wife has a new job.

Jack is my neighbour. He lived in the USA.
Jack lived in the USA.

I asked Jill. She explained it to me.
I asked Jill it to me.

Mr. Craig's office is upstairs. He can help you.
Mr. Craig can help you.

Your map was very helpful. It is on the table now.
Your map is on the table now.


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