Podmiňovací způsob minulý

Podmiňovací způsob minulý - cvičení 2 (would have been)

Doplňte slovesa v závorkách. Užijte podmiňovací způsob minulý.

Příklad:Some people and animals ___ . (might die)
Some people and animals might have died.


What could have happened during a hurricane?

Normal life to a stop for a couple of days. (would come)

People, animals and plants . (would suffer)

The strong wind the city. (would damage)

Heavy rainfall roads and railways. (would flood)

Local buses and trains cancelled for some time. (might be)

The hurricane a lof of buildings. (might destroy)

The wind away hundreds of roofs. (might blow)

Waste streets and gardens. (could cover)

Windows and shop windows broken. (could be)

The hurricane down electricity poles. (could knock)


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