Budoucí čas prostý

Angličtina: budoucí čas prostý - cvičení 3

Vyberte podle významu věty budoucí čas v kladné nebo záporné formě.

Příklad:It's too dangerous. We ___ it. (will do, won't do)
It's too dangerous. We won't do it.


Don't leave your key on the table or you it.

If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we our umbrellas.

Susan it if you come late.

Anna on holiday next week. But she promissed to write to us.

I'm told you are ill. I hope you better again.

I have no idea how to do it. I it.

Turn on your laptop tonight. We a little bit.

I a doctor, because I didn't finish my studies.

I my cap, it'll be cold today.

I am really tired. I a rest.

You must taste this dessert. You it.

Paul the dentist in the afternoon. He has toothache.


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