Nepřímá řeč - věty rozkazovací

Nepřímá řeč (reported speech): cvičení 1 (rozkaz)

Převeďte příkazy do nepřímé řeči.

Příklad:Sit down, please.
She asked me to sit down.


"Put it here on my table."
He told me it there on his table.

"Don't forget about me."
Sarah reminded me about her.

"Park your cars behind the house, please."
He asked us cars behind the house.

"Do not hesitate for too long."
He told me for too long.

"Get out of my way!"
He ordered us way.

"Please, get in touch with them today."
He asked me in touch with them that day.

"Don't leave your bags unattended."
They asked us bags unattended.

"Jump in my car!"
Mary asked me car.

"You mustn't touch the screen."
He ordered us the screen.

"Stop laughing."
He asked me laughing.

"Please, answer my email tomorrow."
Paul told me email the following day.

"Do not interrupt me."
Ben asked me .

"Please, join me."
Nicol asked me .

"Do not eat so much."
Lily told me so much.


Anglická gramatika s přehledy pro samouky je ke stažení zdarma v pdf na Anglická gramatika PDF.

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