Going to

Going to - cvičení 3 (věty oznamovací a otázky)

Utvořte otázky a odpovědi pomocí 'going to' a slov v závorkách.

Příklad:___ a new car? (you | have)
Are you going to have a new car?
___ a new car. (we | not buy)
We are not going to buy a new car.


What are your plans for tomorrow? the grass? (you | cut)

in the garden. (I | not work)

the windows. (I | clean)

The Taylors want to move. a house? (they | build)

a house. (they | not have)

a flat. (they | rent)

Your dad is a Real Madrid fan. the football match? (he | watch)

at home. (he | not stay)

some shopping. (my parents | do)


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