Minulý vs předminulý čas

Minulý vs předminulý čas - cvičení 2 (doplňte příběh)

Doplňte slova v závorkách. Užijte předminulý čas prostý nebo minulý čas.

Příklad:Carol wanted to fly to Dublin. She ___ by plane before. (never travel)
Carol wanted to fly to Dublin. She had never travelled by plane before.


It 11 o'clock in the evening. (be)

Carol Parker at the Shaw Hotel five minutes before. (arrive)

She'd lost her way because she to Dublin. (never be)

Carol had a detailed map in her hanbag but she her glasses at home and could not read it. (leave)

She the reception and about the way. (call, ask)

But it her. (not help)

Finally, she in front of the hotel. (stand)

She a couple of times before, but she so miserable. (get lost, never feel)


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