Minulý čas

Minulý čas: cvičení 1 - věty oznamovací

Doplňte slova v závorkách. Užijte minulý čas prostý.


Yesterday we a geography test. (write)

I a good mark. (need)

I successful. (must - be)

I my textbook out of my bag. (take)

I the right answers. (find)

I them down. (put)

Alison, my neighbour, them from me. (copy)

Fortunately, nobody us. (see)

Today our geography teacher to see us in the morning. (want)

At first, we to explain that we were not to blame. (try)

But our teacher furious. (be)

Finally, we up. (give)

We our mistake. (admit)

Of course, we the test. (fail)

And we really unhappy. (be)


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